Arvo Pärt: Te Deum CD


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Arvo Pärt: "Te Deum was a quest for something evanescent, something long lost or not yet found, a quest for something believed to be non-existent, but so real that it exists not only within us but beyond our being as well."
Many vocal works by Arvo Pärt are composed for liturgical or prayer texts. Te Deum was based on an early Christian hymn from the late 4th century AD, also known as the Ambrosian Hymn. The text’s 29 lines divided into 17 parts form a vivid whole in the listener’s perception. Each line of verse is first presented by a men’s or a women’s choir as a free melismatic melody that resembles a Gregorian chant. The text is then echoed by a distant third or “divine” choir, but now following much stricter composition rules. Here and there, verse repetition is taken over by instruments. The use of a pre-recorded wind harp, playing the role of an organ point, gives the piece an unusual. 

1. Te Deum
2. Silouans Song
3. Magnificat
Berliner Messe (Traditional, Arvo Pärt)
4. Kyrie
5. Gloria
6. Erster Alleluhjavers
7. Zweiter Alleluhjavers
8. Veni Sancte Spiritus
9. Credo
10. Sanctus
11. Agnus Dei